As you all know the Regional Tournament is fast approaching (20 & 21 December). I would like to congratulate the following RSC Members who were chosen to participate in the Team Events:
1. Rasheed - Team C1
2. Edward - Team D1
3. Ailyne - Team D1 (originally C1 but due to the inavailability of Jeddah players all female players in class C were pulled down to D)
4. Jessie - Team E2
5. Leo - Team E2
6. Nitz - Team D3
I'd like everyone to be aware that there still may be some major changes. Especially since the visiting teams cannot bring as much as 42 delegates to Riyadh. The deliberation made by the Tournament's Technical Committee was attended by our very own VP Internal Affairs Jasper and VP Membership Tommy...
As announced by Jasper, the 2nd portion of the Tournament has been declared by the FBF-Riyadh (Filipino Badminton Federation) as an OPEN Tournmanet. All RSC members who are interested to participate are highly encouraged to do so. Further details will be provided to you by tomorrow at our RSC Regular Day.
Let me take this opportunity as well to encourage everyone to attend the Practice tomorrow as we are not scheduled for practice on Thursday. WE WILL BE HAVING A GENERAL ASSEMBLY at 9:30 PM. Likewise, I am highly encouraging the Internal Committee to devise a game schedule for tomorrow so that we can fully maximize our Practice Day prior to the holidays.
I am also encouraging everyone who will be in Riyadh during the Holidays to attend, watch and simply be a part of the Regional Tournament. Let us all be a part of something good and discourage partisan and separitist actions that can lead to animosity within the Club. The RSC is THE PIONEER IN PINOY BADMINTON here in Riyadh... I'm sure we're all proud of that...
Should you require further clarifications on any of the issues mentioned please do not hesitate to call me... I'm always here for you
Thanks and best regards...
Noche Mabaning